Naim clocks 1 million manhours without LTI

KUCHING: Naim Land Sdn Bhd (Naim) achieved another milestone as it clocked one million manhours without Lost Time and Injury (LTI) for its Bintulu Paragon integrated development project.

The safety achievement celebration was officiated by the general manager of Bintulu Development Authority, Datu Mohidin Ishak. Among those in attendance were Datuk Hasmi Hasnan, Naim’s group managing director, contractors and Naim’s staff.

“Naim assumes Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) stewardship by integrating QHSE best practices into our daily operations and that of our contractors,” said Naim’s group HSE manager Muhd Nasiruddin during the celebration.

“In fact, our QHSE Management is a coherent system of ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 and EMS 14001:2004, and is recognised by the Moody International.

“As part of our commitment to QHSE, the group introduced various policies, including Healthy Workplace and Zero Accident Policy, which culminated in the formulation of our QHSE Charter in 2010.

“In addition to normal regulatory requirements, we incorporate other measures, such as utilising scrap materials in our projects, constantly scrutinising chemical storage and waste disposal to prevent pollution and strictly enforcing related policies through surprise checks by our QA/QC HSE team,” Nasiruddin explained.

He added that Naim’s QHSE work culture stemmed from the top management’s values and commitment towards the same.

“We are all inspired by the commitment shown by our group managing director Datuk Hasmi Hasnan, who would personally make surprise checks to our project sites around the country, lead tool box meetings and motivate us to constantly raise the bar in terms of QHSE. He has shown us that QHSE is the responsibility of everyone, and for everyone’s benefit,” Nasiruddin said.

Meanwhile, works for Bintulu Paragon were on track with works on lower ground car park and retaining walls expected to be completed by end of 2014. The car park once completed, could accommodate over 1,300 cars, the largest car park in Bintulu.

Works for its Street Mall and Small Office Versatile Office (SOVO) were also expected to be completed by fourth quarter of 2015 and first quarter of 2016 respectively.

SOURCE: Borneo Post Online (9 October 2014)